Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Making lists

This morning was another one without any form of exercise. I know I shouldn't run since I still feel like a creaky old lady with with feet and hip issues. I keep meaning to do one of my 'cross training' DVDs but I just can't work up the motivation. Maybe my fiance will convince me to go for a walk with him tonight. We've been walking at a faster pace than usual lately and the other day he asked when we were going to start running. That's a first from him. Of course, he didn't want to hear anything about new shoes. I told him his old Wal-Mart sneakers are going to make him as feeble as I am right now. But he said since he's a Man, he'll push through it. We'll see ...

I'm considering going to a yoga class this Saturday. I'm a little worried since although its a beginner class, it's part of a seven or nine week-session, and they're wrapping that session up this week or next. I'm not sure if they'll be past explaining basic techniques at this point.

Exercise (or lack thereof) aside, I went through my sewing to-do list this morning and it wasn't as bad as it used to seem, even though I still feel like I haven't gotten anything done. I'm going to go to JoAnn's after work today to get the zipper I needed for my skirt yesterday and some lining fabric for one of the dresses I'm making. (I'm slowly figuring out how to work this blog, and I've added some lists).

Since this is the one week per month that I give into all my cravings (I need to work on that too) I'm considering stopping by the store to get ingredients for my heart attack-inducing ravioli alfredo, which features several forms of fat. It's so delicious though. Mmmm.

Speaking of heart attack, we got the estimate from the florist yesterday and its way more than I expected. Of course, roses aren't the cheapest flowers, so everything kind of added up. We have an appointment with another florist on Saturday (that happened when this first florist had no idea about our appointment and asked us to come back an hour later). I guess I can ask if there's places we can cut back or do something less traditional (corsages for the bridesmaids instead of bouquets?) or use less expensive flowers. I just don't want to pay hundreds for flowers that are going to be used for a half hour and then left on the table to wilt the rest of the night.

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